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inspection app device showing the damage location page


With our intuitive mobile app, you can record asset details, photograph defects, categorise the type and severity of damage and collect signatures. The app enables you to quickly compile complex inspection reports including the type, age and form of vehicle. Simply scan the barcode, RFID tag or use OCR to capture the unique identification information on your asset.

With this essential tool, you can manage your inspections and inventory, ensuring optimal control and accuracy in your supply chain. Inspections can take place at any time and in any weather. Reports are stored locally until the app is back online meaning an internet connection is not required at the time of report creation. Surveyors can be managed, and damage inspection reports viewed, via the easy-to-use web interface. Reports can then be overlaid with independent repair estimates, helping to mitigate unnecessary claims and avoiding overcharging.

Our system provides a tested, reliable solution, avoiding the frustration of expensive downtime, enabling smooth operation and reduced costs. By choosing our Inspection & Inventory software, you’re making a commitment to reliability, efficiency, and a significant reduction in operational challenges, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business

inspection software damage website dashboard

Repair Costing

Our repair costing management tools are designed to help you achieve optimal cost-efficiency and claims management. Our software enables you to conduct in-depth cost analysis, simplifies the claims processing workflow, fosters better vendor relationships, and tightens cost control, ensuring you can maximise profitability. By choosing our Costing & Claims software, you’re making a strategic investment in financial control and stability, enabling your business to flourish while keeping costs in check.

delivery dashboard

Delivery (EPOD)

With our EPOD solution, you can monitor your deliveries, ensuring timely and accurate arrivals. Digital signatures provide a secure and paperless method of verifying deliveries, while the delivery verification feature guarantees that your customers receive exactly what they ordered. Our route optimisation tool helps you reduce delivery times and fuel costs, optimising your operations for maximum efficiency. By implementing our EPOD solution, you’ll not only enhance your customer service but also increase the productivity and efficiency of your entire delivery process.

report produced via a line chart

Reporting & Integration (EDI)

Our software empowers you with customisable reports, business intelligence, seamless EDI integration, and flexible API integration. With customisable reports, you have the freedom to extract and visualise data that matters most to your business, providing you with the insights needed to make informed decisions. Our tools allow you to gain a deeper understanding of your operations. Our EDI and API integration features ensure that your systems are seamlessly connected, enabling you to operate with precision and efficiency. With our Reporting & Integration tools, you have the power to harness data, streamline processes, and stay ahead in a fast-paced business environment, driving success and growth.