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Finished Vehicle Inspection System for Petrucela

Finished Vehicle Inspection System for Petrucela

Petrucela website


Petrucela & Company is an automobile and cargo inspection company, serving the transport industry across Canada and the United States. Effective finished vehicle logistics and inspection software is fundamental to providing a fast and accurate service. Bison Grid were commissioned to create a new vehicle inspection and claims management system, which in just 1 year enabled the company to reduce operational costs and significantly increase sales

Petrucela required a better system for inspecting, tracking and recording damage to new vehicles whilst being loaded on to ships from various port locations across the USA. The previous system was ineffective for many reasons. The handsets used by the vehicle surveyors were clunky and time consuming to operate and the software was unable to produce the detailed reporting required by Petrucela’s clients, the vehicle manufacturers.

Petrucela website


Bison Grid’s used their proprietary ‘AssetBison’ software and App, to provide a simple but sophisticated solution for the inspection of vehicles and recording and reporting of damage.

The vehicle surveyors required a robust handheld device with an integrated scanner and easy to use App. Bison Grid configured an Android device that was both hardwearing and able to operate in extreme temperatures. The new device was easier to use and able to collect more sophisticated vehicle damage data, but in less time than the previous solution. In addition, the Android devices were cheaper to purchase and maintain than the previous handsets.

Petrucela also required a daily vehicle damage data feed to be integrated directly into the vehicle manufacturers own systems, which the previous system was unable to support. Bison Grid were able to connect the software to the manufactures EDI & API systems, enabling them to speed up damage claims to the shipping companies.

Petrucela website


The resultant system has significantly improved Petrucela’s operating performance and enabled the company to win more contracts. The team at Bison Grid was praised for the easy to use app, sophisticated reporting and integration with OEM claims systems. In addition, the client was impressed with the team’s knowledge of finished vehicle logistics and the speed at which we were able to configure and roll out the system.

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"The software that Bison Grid provides has been an essential part of transforming our finished vehicle inspection processes and key to winning new clients. The AssetBison inspection software is easy to use and provides detailed reports for our customers"

Petrucela & Co

Nick Petrucela - President